1 Full-page advertisement in the Forum ebrochure Full-page advertisement in the Forum ebrochure Nil
2 Ten minutes allotted time for brand sensitization Five minutes allotted time for brand sensitization Nil
3 Full Branding of the hall Branding of the hall Nil
4 2-Minute video advert content display during break 1-Minute video advert content display during break 1-Minute video advert content display during break
5 Product/Service Activation Product/Service Activation Product/Service Activation
6 Exhibition stand for your organization Exhibition stand for your organization Nil
7 Access to data of attendees for database marketing Nil Nil
8 Social media handles mention Social media handles mention Social media handles mention
9 Logo on all promotional material for the event including advertisement materials Logo on all promotional material for the event including advertisement materials Logo on all promotional material for the event including advertisement materials
10 Complimentary attendance of 10 (ten) Gen-Z & Millennial members of your staff at the Forum. Complimentary attendance of 6 (six) GenZ & Millennial members of your staff at the Forum. Complimentary attendance of 4 (four) Gen-Z & Millennial members of your staff at the Forum.
11 Opportunity to attract young and potential talents. Opportunity to attract young and potential talents. Opportunity to attract young and potential talents.
12 Sharing your company’s product flyers at the event. Sharing your company’s product flyers at the event. Sharing your company’s product flyers at the event.

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