About The Forum

Digital Transformation And Sustainable Development:
Empowering The Next Generation


The Second Edition of the CIBN Generation Next Forum is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2024, Harbour Point Event Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos. at the This prestigious event is organized by the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) and is dedicated to empowering and inspiring the next generation of banking and financial services leaders. The Forum serves as a platform for young professionals to network, learn from industry experts, and gain valuable insights into the evolving financial landscape. It is an opportunity to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership among the youth, who are the future of the banking industry.

The inaugural edition of the Forum was held in August 2023 and recorded a resounding success. The event was attended by over 7,000 young Nigerians, including students in secondary and tertiary Institutions, recent graduates and young professionals both physically and virtually across the country. It is worth noting specifically that the Institute’s Legacy Projects (CIBN Banking Halls) in 10 locations across the country were used as viewing centres for students during the event. These include the CIBN Bankers Halls in the Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri; Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State; the Institute of Management & Technology, Enugu; Kano State Polytechnic, Kano; Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye and the University of Port Harcourt.

Over 25 industry leaders in banking, fintech, and allied subsectors will facilitate the Forum. A highlight of the event will be the innovation pitch segment, where inventive young Nigerians showcase their inventions to participants. During the event, we will also feature a mentoring clinic, talent hunt and product activations for the participants.

Building upon the resounding success of the maiden edition, the second edition of the Forum promises to be a more impactful and transformative experience for the Gen-Z demographic. Our theme for this year is Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development: Empowering the Next Generation. The event will highlight young professionals who, despite challenges, are successfully forging a path to drive sustainable growth and development across the economy. We will also feature industry leaders who will share insights on their journey toward a successful career. The talent hunt will be featured again this year with more opportunities for recent graduates to find jobs.

In general, during the Forum, we also aim to:

  • Inspire Gen Z to pursue careers in the banking industry by highlighting success stories and role models.
  • Showcase young talent who have developed innovations that resolve challenges in the banking industry
  • Provide mentorship opportunities for young talents looking to become banking professionals
  • Create opportunities to foster innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership among the youth, who are the future of the banking industry